It was a huge day at the Cottage. I finished the Baby Surprise Jacket in KnitCol, Ann brought by her new Arcadia top in Pink, Christina started a pink baby sweater in Mandarin Petit, we got a bunch more bankets for Baldwin County Care House, Angela has an orange one in progress, and we double-dog dared her to go get us some dinner with her winter hat & green short-row scarf on (she did!), and....and....and.... (see next message!)
I have had a life-long addiction to string. Love to bead, sew, tat, knit, crochet, embroider (and cook, but I am not sure how that relates in a string-way). It is the perfect way to avoid the other things I am supposed to be doing with my life (notice I did not mention yard work, shopping, cleaning or studying in the above list).
I also love to hang out with like-minded folks, so I do not have to feel guilty about not doing other stuff.
To Contact me by email, write to
yarnhaus (at) aol (dot) com
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